
Grant Walker 4-H Summer Camp

3000 Highway 8
Phone: 318-765-7209
Business Hours: 9 AM–5 PMEmail: campgrantwalker@agcenter.lsu.eduWebsite: Visit Website

A premier Louisiana 4-H Program with the goal of providing quality field trips, off-season programs and other great educational products. The Grant Walker Educational Center, located in Pollock, LA, offers facility rentals, educational seminars and camps throughout the year.

Our summer camp program continues to be a beloved tradition for the 4-H youth in Louisiana. As we embark on our 100th year of camping, we continue to offer every camper the opportunity to gain new experiences and independence, learn to appreciate the outdoors, form friendships, and have a chance to participate in educational tracks and recreational activities. We invite you to view our upcoming summer activities and programs to see all we have to offer. Contact your local 4-H Parish Office for more information about specific weeks at camp and how to register!

Camp Schedule HERE!   

Note: Please plan to arrive between 12:00 pm - 2:45 pm. This extended arrival window has been put in place to provide for a smoother check-in process, and to ensure ample time needed to accommodate multiple modes of transportation to camp.

What Parents Should Know!

amping is one of the most valuable experiences a child can have. It’s a learning experience that helps boys and girls appreciate the outdoors, live together as a group, gain independence, get along with others, and appreciate people with different interests and backgrounds.

One of the most important things children learn from camp is self-sufficiency. That is, they learn they can survive for four days on their own. To help our campers learn self-sufficiency, parents are asked not to call or visit campers unless there is an emergency. Campers may not bring cell phones or electronic devices to camp.

The camp week consists of four days, beginning on Monday afternoon when the campers arrive at camp and ending on Thursday morning after the educational track session. 4-H Agents, volunteer leaders, and teen counselors from each parish attend camp and stay in the cabins with the campers.

Parents are asked not to send snacks to camp. Three meals and three snacks will be served to campers each day. On Monday, dinner is the only meal served followed by a snack that evening.

A Glance at Camp!

Registration, cabin assignment, swim test, counselor meeting, track selection, and night-time recreation.

Tuesday and Wednesday:
After breakfast, campers will participate in one of (6) educational tracks: Science, Engineering, and Technology; Outdoor Adventures; Hunter Safety; Louisiana Wetlands; Food and Fitness; and Water Safety.

Campers will also have recreational time to play various sports, archery, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, stand-up paddle-boarding, and line dancing. Other choices include team-building activities, performing arts, visiting with friends, and shopping for souvenirs in the Camp Store. Evening programs include skits, a talent show, Vespers, and special guest speakers.

Thursday AM:
After breakfast, campers will participate in a final morning educational track session prior to packing up and departing.

Campers do not need to bring money to camp. Camp Store and Camp Canteen gift cards will be purchased using our camp store online system before camp. A separate email with instructions will be sent out soon.

Contact Information:
Camp Grant Walker
Phone Numbers:
Day: 318.765.7209
Night: 225.921.7800
*Please do not call except for emergencies.

The mailing address at camp is:
Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center
Attn: Name of camper
(Include Parish)
3000 Hwy. 8
Pollock, LA 71467